News Vichydro Connect

Vichydro Connect : Percall is proud to present its connected hydroalcoholic gel dispensers solution

March 23 2021

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In partnership with SDEB, producers of « HYDRO » gel distribution dispensers, PERCALL offers a complete VICHYDRO CONNECT solution that meets the needs of managers and users who consume hydroalcoholic gel:

• Prediction of your gel consumption
• Control of your orders
• Optimization of your operator’s interventions
• Follow-up of your consumption
• Location of dispensers

VICHYDRO CONNECT is the output of PERCALL’s innovation teams, who designed and developed the application and material solution (sensors) prior to industrialization within L’AQUARIUM, the PERCALL Lab based in Vichy.
The dispensers that we deploy in airports, rail stations, tourist sites, towns, public buildings, schools, museums, or even within a company or as part of sporting events and festivals, are equipped with low energy consumption sensors and are controlled through a software solution that provides the appropriate functions for managers, operators and users.

The answer to your challenges

Guaranteeing safe access to public places, meeting new health standards, always making hydroalcoholic gel available for visitors on all sites: supply of gel will quickly become unmanageable and very costly without any assistance.
In order to meet current health constraints and provide a quality service to users, VICHYDRO CONNECT is the solution to optimise the management of hydroalcoholic gel.

Challenges for managers

• Supply management

o Real-time monitoring of consumption
o Monitoring and optimization of interventions
o Statistical analyses of consumption
o Anticipation of orders
o Expiry date management of the gel

• Distributor maintenance

o Usage statistics
o Alert in case of a breakdown/malfunction
o Optimization of intervention routes
o Preventive maintenance

• Broadcasting of advertising messages

Challenges for Users

•Prevention of barrier gestures

o Real-time monitoring of consumption
o Monitoring o Preventive messages
o Educational messages

• Geolocation of dispensers

o Distributor mapping with operating status
o Geolocation of the nearest dispensers
o Road planner
o QR-Installation code of the user application

Solution's content

• by SDEB

o A durable and robust dispenser, 100% mechanical, 100% customisable, 100% adapted to people with reduced mobility, which can hold up to 2500 doses of gel.


o Low power consumption LoRa connectivity to collect real-time information from the dispenser: location, consumption status, dispenser status, etc.
o A software solution

– Web and mobile application
– Real-time dispensers status
– Filter by status and/or geographical area
– Intelligent generation of intervention plans
– Intervention sheet
– Consumption and usage statistics to anticipate supply, maintenance and relocation needs of the dispensers
– Location of the nearest available dispenser, road calculation for a user

Offer's content

• Software

o PERCALL VICHYDRO CONNECT Web and Mobile Solution

– Annual subscription
– Installation + training + validation
– Application hosting
– Connection to the LoRa network
– Technical support & evolutive maintenance

• Materials

o SDEB dispensers

 – 1 LoRa measurement and communication module per Dispenser
– Public or private LoRa’s Gateways for the communication network

Would you like to find out more? Do not hesitate to contact our experts!