Facilitate access
to application creation and editing
Facilitating the connectivity
of machines, IIoT devices, intelligent tools and systems
The Tulip platform is based on 4 main components:
Simplify even the most complex applications with a code-free web-based editor
Simplify the connection of devices, machines and IIoT systems in Tulip thanks to Edge IO and Edge MC to implement the solution as quickly as possible in operations.
Measure, monitor and make visible newly exploitable process data through the Tulip dashboard and its visual analysis.
Benefit from the best applications and connectors in the Tulip library, free online courses on Tulip University and a personalised chat with the most experienced users of the platform in the Community.
With the Percall Group experts, you benefit from a flexible, scalable, simple and optimised platform for your MES MOM projects.
Our teams will support you throughout the entire project organisation, from the definition of the main functionalities and the data model, to training and all the iteration and construction sprints of your solution.
Our experts can work with you to develop an optimised MOM strategy tailored to your needs.
Tulip is an ISA-95 compliant platform that allows you to collect and deploy MOM applications easily and efficiently
without writing a single line of code.
Today, it only takes one major change in your system for your core functions to be more or less impacted.
Turnaround times can vary due to changes in the supply chain.
Data projections can be interrupted as demand fluctuates.
Operational efficiency may fall as a result of excessive labour turnover.
Production know-how can be affected by the retirement of experts.
And the success of extending complex operations remains dependent on your profit margin.
Faced with these challenges, the monolithic systems that you are used to using cannot operate effectively in such dynamic environments.
These systems have become too complex to deploy and use, and their approach is increasingly risky, with predefined and non-adaptable uses.
Add to this the lack of understanding between IT and operations, and the dependency on suppliers and third parties, and you inevitably reach a stalemate.
Tulip’s Frontline Operations Platform offers you a cloud-based solution, standardised and self-service applications
and ready-to-use edge devices to make your time to value fast and efficient.
With Tulip, you can :
– Digitise paper-based processes.
– Replace existing software.
– Connect and monitor your machines, sensors and intelligent tools.
– Increase and extend your databases or recording systems.